Basically what I'm trying to do is gather users folder size from their network folder then export that to a .csv, directory structure looks something like this: network:\Department\user...User's-stuff
The script I have right now gets the department file name and the user's folder size, but not the user's name (folder name in the department). As for the TimeStamp, I'm not sure it's working correctly. It's meant to make a timestamp when it starts on the users in the next department so basically, all users in the same department will have the same timestamp.
This is what I have so far:
$root = "network"
$container= @()
$place = "C:\temp\"
$file = "DirectoryReport.csv"
Function Get-FolderSize
BEGIN{$fso = New-Object -comobject Scripting.FileSystemObject}
$prevDept = (Split-Path $path -leaf)
$path = $input.fullname
$folder = $fso.GetFolder($path)
$Volume = $prevDept + "-users"
$user = $ #can't figure this part out...
$size = $folder."size(MB)"
if ( (Split-Path $path -leaf) -ne $prevDept)
$time = Get-Date -format M/d/yyy" "HH:mm #Probably wrong too..
return $current = [PSCustomObject]@{'Path' = $path; 'Users' = $user; 'Size(MB)' = ($size /1MB ); 'Volume' = $Volume; 'TimeStamp' = $time;}
$container += gci $root -Force -Directory -EA 0 | Get-FolderSize
#Creating the .csv path
$placeCSV = $place + $file
#Checks if the file already exists
if ((test-path ($placeCSV)) -eq $true)
$file = "DirectoryReport" + [string](Get-Date -format + ".csv"
rename-item -path $placeCSV -newname $file
$placeCSV = $place + $file
#Exports the CSV file to desired folder
$container | epcsv $placeCSV -NoTypeInformation -NoClobber
But in the CSV file the user and the timestamp are wrong. Thanks for any/all help
This really seems to be doing it the hard way. Why you wouldn't just use Get-ChildItem to do this almost makes this script seem a little masochistic to me, so I'm going to use that cmdlet instead of creating a comobject to do it.
I am a little confused as to why you wouldn't want to recurse for size, but ok, we'll go that route. This will get you your folders sizes, in MB.
#Get a listing of department folders
$Depts = GCI $root -force -Directory
#Loop through them
ForEach($Dept in $Depts){
$Users = @()
$Timestamp = Get-Date -Format "M/d/yyy HH:mm"
#Loop through each user for the current department
GCI $Dept -Directory |%{
$Users += [PSCustomObject]@{
"Size(MB)"=(GCI $_|Measure-Object -Sum Length|Select Sum)/1MB
#Rename output file if it exists
If(Test-Path "C:\Temp\DirectoryReport.csv"){
Rename-Item "C:\Temp\DirectoryReport.csv" "DirectoryReport.$(Get-Date -format"
#Output file
$Users | Export-Csv "C:\Temp\DirectoryReport.csv" -NoTypeInformation
If you want to get the total size for all files within each user's folder, including files within subfolders, change the "Size(MB)"=(GCI $_|Measure-Object -Sum Length|Select Sum)/1MB
to be recursive by replacing it with "Size(MB)"=(GCI $_ -recurse|Measure-Object -Sum Length|Select Sum)/1MB
and that should have you good to go.