So I know you can redirect in GAE from within a class that inherits from webapp2.RequestHanlder
using this:
class Foo(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
While this works, it would be great to be able to perform a redirect outside of a class.
For example, say you have the following code that is a global function - i.e. it does not exist inside of a class:
def fetch_url(url, method=urlfetch.GET, data=''):
"""Send a HTTP request"""
result = urlfetch.fetch(url=url, method=method, payload=data,
headers={'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'})
return result.content
If you could redirect from the function, you could check the status code and redirect to an error page. E.g.
if result.status_code != 200:
Unfortunately, the above code does nothing in GAE and the following warning is generated.
WARNING 2014-05-22 21:58:24,364] Stripped prohibited headers from URLFetch request: ['Host']
So is there a way to perform a redirect outside of a class?
You can make your own Exception
subclass to handle redirects.
The way I do this is to make my own subclass of webapp2.RequestHandler
that overrides the handle_exception
method (See the docs)
class RedirectError(Exception):
def __init__(self, new_url):
self.new_url = new_url
class MyWebappFramework(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def handle_exception(self, exception, debug_mode):
if isinstance(exception, RedirectError):
super(MyWebappFramework, self).handle_exception(exception, debug_mode)
Using this functionality, you can actually make a wide range of custom exceptions to easily manage expectations. For example, you might also make a NotFound
exception to set the status code to 404 and render a "Page not found" message.
To make the redirect occur, raise the RedirectError
it's as simple as raise RedirectError("")