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Why are Application-Resources only loaded when placed in a seperate file if OnStartup is overriden?

In App.xaml (no StartupUri):

    <ResourceDictionary Source="AppResources.xaml"/>

This does work but declaring the ResourceDictionary directly in Application.Resources does not:

<Application.Resources >

OnStartup in App.xaml.cs:

protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
        if (e.Args.Length > 0)
            // Handle args and start headless.
            // Create window.
            new Views.ShellWindow().ShowDialog();

How can this behaviour be fixed?

Edit: I am using Visual Studio 2013 Professional.


  • Apparently, there is a VS code generation bug where the code necessary to connect to the rest of the program sometimes is not inserted when

    • The application has no StartupUri attribute set in App.xaml AND
    • there is only one resoure in the section of App.xaml

    A possible workaround is to use an event instead of overriding OnStartup, see WPF - App.xaml file does not get parsed if my app does not set a StartupUri? for more information.