I find it hard to learn Parsec in Haskell so I'm trying to make my college project( a parser that parses files with the form
I managed to write a function that gets everything from the file and validates the file and I am stuck at making x be the variable name. I know in javascript it's eval but I can't find anything similar in Haskell. Please help!
This is what I have done until now:
ischarorscore :: Char -> Bool
ischarorscore a = if ((a>='A' && a<='Z') || (a>='a' && a<='z') || a=='_')
then True
else False
ischarscoredigit :: Char -> Bool
ischarscoredigit a = if ((a>='A' && a<='Z') ||
(a>='a' && a<='z') ||
a=='_' ||
a>='0' && a<='9') then True else False
isvar :: String -> Bool
isvar [] = False
isvar (h:t) = if (ischarorscore h) then (isvarbody t) else False
isvarbody :: String -> Bool
isvarbody [] = True
isvarbody (h:t) = if (ischarscoredigit h) then (isvarbody t) else False
isoperator :: Char -> Bool
isoperator a = if (a=='+' || a=='-' || a=='*' || a=='/' || a=='^') then True else False
issqrt :: String -> Bool
issqrt [] = True
issqrt x = if (x=="sqrt(") then True else False
isnumber :: String -> Bool
isnumber (h:t) = if (h>='0' && h<='9') then isnumber t else False
charsetall :: String -> Bool
charsetall [] = True
charsetall (h:t) = if (h>='0' && h<='9' ||
h>='a' && h<='z' ||
h>='A' && h<='Z' ||
h>='0' && h<='9' ||
h=='+' || h=='-' || h=='*' || h=='/' || h=='^' || h=='(' || h==')' || h=='=')
then charsetall t else False
charsetexpr :: String -> Bool
charsetexpr [] = True
charsetexpr (h:t) = if (h>='0' && h<='9' ||
h>='a' && h<='z' ||
h>='A' && h<='Z' ||
h>='0' && h<='9' ||
h=='+' || h=='-' || h=='*' || h=='/' || h=='^' || h=='(' || h==')')
then charsetexpr t else False
paranthesis :: String -> Int -> Bool
paranthesis [] a = if (a==0) then True else False
paranthesis (h:t) a = if (h=='(') then (paranthesis t (a+1))
else (if (h==')') then
paranthesis t (a-1) else paranthesis t a)
paranthesis' :: String -> Bool
paranthesis' (h:t) = paranthesis (h:t) 0
obeyrules :: String -> Bool
obeyrules [] = True
obeyrules (h:t) = if (ischarorscore h) then (contvar t)
else if (h>='0' && h<='9') then (contnumber t)
else if (h=='(' || h=='-') then obeyrules t
else False
contnumber :: String -> Bool
contnumber [] = True
contnumber (h:t) = if (h>='0' && h<='9') then contnumber t
else if (isoperator h) then contoperator t
else if (h==')') then contoperator h
else False
contvar :: String -> Bool
contvar [] = True
contvar (h:t) = if (ischarorscore h || h>='0' && h<='9') then contvar t
else if (isoperator h) then contoperator t
else if (h==')') then contoperator
else False
contoperator :: String -> Bool
contoperator [] = True
contoperator (h:t) = if (ischarorscore h) then contvar t
else if (h>='0' && h<='9') then contnumber t
else if (h=='(') then obeyrules t
else False
isexpression :: String -> Bool
isexpression [] = True
isexpression (h:t) = if (charsetexpr (h:t) && paranthesis' (h:t) && obeyrules (h:t)) then True else False
The isexpression function combines all the functions above to validate a line of the file. The project is like this : you have to read a random file that looks like the one above and contains variable name = expression and recognises (,),+,-,*,/,^ which is power, sqrt(k) where k is number or variable name, and mod, calculate the expressions and provide the resulting variable names and their values.
You most likely want to parse what's called an Abstract Syntax Tree. For the fragment given here, it might look like
data AST
= Var String
| Lit Double
| Plus AST AST
| Mult AST AST
| Sqrt AST
| Assign String AST
| Then AST AST
With this choice of AST, the fragment of code you have given looks like
fragment :: AST
fragment = foldr1 Then [
Assign "x" (Lit 3)
, Assign "y" (Lit 4)
, Assign "z" (Plus (Var "x") (Var "y"))
, Assign "badluck" (Plus (Var "x") (Mult (Sqrt (Var "z")) (Lit 7)))
We then pick an evaluator function which converts these AST values to their "canonical" values. In this case, the basic canonical value would be a Double
, but since the AST could fail due to referring to an unknown variable, we'll have the canonical value be Maybe Double
instead. Finally, since we expect the environment to change as expressions are evaluated, we return the updated environment.
In order to operationalize this evaluator, we need a notion of the environment which gets assigned to. A good choice for this is Data.Map
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
type Env = Map String Double
eval :: Env -> AST -> Maybe (Double, Env)
eval env (Var s) = fmap (\x -> (x, env)) (Map.lookup s env)
eval env (Plus e1 e2) = do -- maybe monad
(v1, env') <- eval env e1
(v2, env'') <- eval env' e2
return (v1 + v2, env'')
eval env (Mult e1 e2) = do -- maybe monad
(v1, env') <- eval env e1
(v2, env'') <- eval env' e2
return (v1 * v2, env'')
eval env (Sqrt e) = fmap (\(x, e) -> (sqrt x, e)) (eval env e)
eval env (Assign s e) = do
(v, env') <- eval env e
return (v, Map.insert s v env')
eval env (Then e1 e2) = do
(_, env') <- eval env e1
(v, env'') <- eval env' e2
return (v, env'')
Technically, this could have been done using a monad transformer stack of State Env
and Maybe
, but as written the operation might be a little more clear if tedious.