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How to run Ruby Test in Sublime Text with using Vagrant

On Windows I'm install RubyTest Plugging for SublimeText3.

I'm runing Vagrant with CentOS6.5 where is my Rails4 project with configured rspec.

How I can start RubyTest Plugging in SublimeText3 which run rspec tests through vagrant on virtual CentOS but not on Windows?

I'm set:

  "ignored_directories": [".git", "vendor", "tmp"],
  "run_rspec_command": "vagrant ssh --command \"'cd /vagrant/sites/sample_app && rspec spec'\""

It works!

But how to set for run:

1) only active test file?

2) only active line in test file?

PS It works only in SublimeText2


  • I've had success with a custom RubyTest command. Crafting that command depends on your individual setup, but my configuration looks like the following:

      "ignored_directories": [ ".git", "tmp" ],
      "run_rspec_command": "cd $DIR_WITH_VAGRANTFILE && vagrant ssh --command \"cd /vagrant/`echo {relative_path} | sed 's/\\/spec.*$//'` && bundle exec rspec `echo {relative_path} | sed 's,^[^/]*.*/spec,spec,'`\"",
      "run_single_rspec_command": "cd DIR_WITH_VAGRANTFILE && vagrant ssh --command \"cd /vagrant/`echo {relative_path} | sed 's/\\/spec.*$//'` && bundle exec rspec `echo {relative_path} | sed 's,^[^/]*.*/spec,spec,'` -l{line_number}\"",

    These commands makes a few assumptions.

    1. You have an environment variable called $DIR_WITH_VAGRANTFILE that has the path to the directory which contains your Vagrantfile

    2. That directory is mounted at /vagrant in your VM

    3. There are several rails apps under that directory, e.g. /vagrant/rails_app_1, /vagrant/rails_app_2

    The command works by extracting the full folder path from the relative_file variable, and remotely executing bundle exec rspec on the filename.

    If you hvae a simpler setup with the rails app being directly within /vagrant, then you should be able to get away with something like the following:

      "ignored_directories": [ ".git", "tmp" ],
      "run_rspec_command": "cd $DIR_WITH_VAGRANTFILE && vagrant ssh --command \"cd /vagrant && bundle exec rspec {relative_path}\"",
      "run_single_rspec_command": "cd DIR_WITH_VAGRANTFILE && vagrant ssh --command \"cd /vagrant && bundle exec rspec {relative_path} -l{line_number}\"",

    Note: If you have multiple rails apps in different setups and different locations, you'll have to change this setup for each configuration.