I have a loaded pugi::xml_document
with e.g. <node></node>
and want to
add xml text structure to this pugi xml doc!
example for xml text structure: (stored in std::string)
<cmd name="Test"><tag>some text</tag></cmd>
Final xml doc should look like this:
<node><cmd name="Test"><tag>some text</tag></cmd></node>
What's the best way to do this in pugixml?
Thank you!
Some function to load the doc (<node></node>
bool Class::ReadXmlString(std::string xml)
pugi::xml_parse_result parseResult = m_xmlDoc->load(xml.c_str());
return parseResult;
catch(std::exception &exp)
return false;
function to add e.g.: <cmd name="Test"><tag>some text</tag></cmd>
bool Class::AddFragment(std::string node, std::string xmlValue)
// temporary document to parse the data from a string
pugi::xml_document doc;
if (!doc.load_buffer(xmlValue.c_str(), xmlValue.length())) return false;
// select node from class member pugi::xml_document
pugi::xml_node xmlNode = m_xmlDoc->select_single_node(("//" + node).c_str()).node();
for (pugi::xml_node child = doc.first_child(); child; child = child.next_sibling())
catch(std::exception &exp)
return false;