I'm looking for effective implementation of Material Implication/XNp/If/then for PHP. Here's example of where I want to use it:
There is collection of object. Each of them has date and type.
I'm writing method that accepts three parameters:
function isNewest($obj, $collection, $sameTypeOnly = true){}
and check if the $obj
has newer date (bigger timestamp) than any of objects in $collection
. I also want to depend my comparison on $sameTypeOnly
which narrows comparations only to objects of same type.
So far I have:
$currentDate = strtotime($obj->getDate());
foreach($relatedObjects as $related){
if($currentDate < strtotime($related->getDate()) && >>SOMETHING<<){
return false;
return true;
There is problem with SOMETHING
. I want it to check if $sameTypeOnly
is true, and if it is, check if $obj->getType() == $related->getType()
Of course, I could do that using nested if()
statements like this:
$currentDate = strtotime($obj->getDate());
foreach($relatedObjects as $related){
if($obj->getType() == $related->getType() && $currentDate < strtotime($related->getDate()){
return false;
} else {
if($currentDate < strtotime($related->getDate()){
return false;
return true;
and it will work! BUT IT LOOKS BAD. I wonder if there is simplier, effective and elegant solution to do this in one if.
After minute of thinking I got my truth table. Assuming that T
stands for same type
, t1 = t2
means that type of first objects matches type of second objects, and r
is result
, truth table looks like this:
T | t1 = t2 | r
T | T | T
T | F | F
F | T | T
F | F | T
I looked up for similar table here, and well, here it is! Column 11 on this table (named "if/then"). I googled for PHP implementation of this operation, with no luck.
Is there any way to implement it using only operators available in PHP? Will it be efficient and fast?
Yes, there is a way and I suppose it will be blazing fast as this is quite simple operation.
function implication($p, $q) {
return !$p | $q;
You might want to exchange |
to ||
for your own purposes.
Let's generate truth table for this:
$values = array(0,1);
echo "p q r\n";
foreach ($values as $p) {
foreach($values as $q) {
echo "$p $q " . implication($p, $q) . "\n";
p q r
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 1 1
Which is equivalent to truth table you presented.