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Looking for Material Implication/XNp/If/then implementation

I'm looking for effective implementation of Material Implication/XNp/If/then for PHP. Here's example of where I want to use it:

There is collection of object. Each of them has date and type.

I'm writing method that accepts three parameters:

function isNewest($obj, $collection, $sameTypeOnly = true){}

and check if the $obj has newer date (bigger timestamp) than any of objects in $collection. I also want to depend my comparison on $sameTypeOnly which narrows comparations only to objects of same type.

So far I have:

$currentDate = strtotime($obj->getDate());

foreach($relatedObjects as $related){
   if($currentDate < strtotime($related->getDate()) && >>SOMETHING<<){
       return false;

return true;

There is problem with SOMETHING. I want it to check if $sameTypeOnly is true, and if it is, check if $obj->getType() == $related->getType().

Of course, I could do that using nested if() statements like this: $currentDate = strtotime($obj->getDate());

foreach($relatedObjects as $related){
       if($obj->getType() == $related->getType() && $currentDate < strtotime($related->getDate()){
           return false;
   } else {
       if($currentDate < strtotime($related->getDate()){
           return false;

return true;

and it will work! BUT IT LOOKS BAD. I wonder if there is simplier, effective and elegant solution to do this in one if.

After minute of thinking I got my truth table. Assuming that T stands for same type, t1 = t2 means that type of first objects matches type of second objects, and r is result, truth table looks like this:

 T | t1 = t2 | r
 T |    T    | T
 T |    F    | F
 F |    T    | T
 F |    F    | T

I looked up for similar table here, and well, here it is! Column 11 on this table (named "if/then"). I googled for PHP implementation of this operation, with no luck.

Is there any way to implement it using only operators available in PHP? Will it be efficient and fast?


  • Yes, there is a way and I suppose it will be blazing fast as this is quite simple operation.

    function implication($p, $q) {
        return !$p | $q;

    You might want to exchange | to || for your own purposes.

    Let's generate truth table for this:

    $values = array(0,1);
    echo "p q r\n";
    foreach ($values as $p) {
        foreach($values as $q) {
            echo "$p $q " . implication($p, $q) . "\n";


    p q r
    0 0 1
    0 1 1
    1 0 0
    1 1 1

    Which is equivalent to truth table you presented.