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PHP Error Reporting to Screen, with Line Breaks

I have setup error reporting in the top of my script to

// Report all PHP errors
// Same as error_reporting(E_ALL);
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');  //On or Off

The reporting is being logged/saved to my error log file with line breaks, but displays on the screen as 1 continuous line without breaks.

Screen-output example:

Warning: getimagesize(i): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/xyzxyz/public_html/fetcher.php on line 48 Warning: Division by zero in /home/xyzxyz/public_html/fetcher.php on line 49 Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg(i): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/xyzxyz/public_html/fetcher.php on line 62 Warning: imagecreatetruecolor(): Invalid image dimensions in /home/xyzxyz/public_html/fetcher.php on line 64 Warning: imagecopyresampled() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/xyzxyz/public_html/fetcher.php on line 66 Warning: imagejpeg() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/xyzxyz/public_html/fetcher.php on line 72

Error-log file example:

[22-May-2014 16:42:32 Asia/Tokyo] PHP Warning:  getimagesize(i): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/xyzxyz/public_html/fetcher.php on line 48
[22-May-2014 16:42:32 Asia/Tokyo] PHP Warning:  Division by zero in /home/xyzxyz/public_html/fetcher.php on line 49
[22-May-2014 16:42:32 Asia/Tokyo] PHP Warning:  imagecreatefromjpeg(i): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/xyzxyz/public_html/fetcher.php on line 62
[22-May-2014 16:42:32 Asia/Tokyo] PHP Warning:  imagecreatetruecolor(): Invalid image dimensions in /home/xyzxyz/public_html/fetcher.php on line 64
[22-May-2014 16:42:32 Asia/Tokyo] PHP Warning:  imagecopyresampled() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/xyzxyz/public_html/fetcher.php on line 66
[22-May-2014 16:42:32 Asia/Tokyo] PHP Warning:  imagejpeg() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/xyzxyz/public_html/fetcher.php on line 72

Is there any way to make the output to screen display with line breaks too, so that it will be easier to read it?

Thank you.


  • You can use line breaks or HTML in your code to drop in what you need between warnings and errors:

    $error = "some warning";
    echo $error;
    echo $error;

    Will output:

    some warningsome warning

    However, you can add a BR to it to display properly in a browser:

    $error = "some warning";
    echo $error."<br />";
    echo $error."<br />";

    Which will output the following in a browser:

    some warning
    some warning

    Alternately, you can use non html line breaks if you are using a terminal, or outputting text to the screen (rather than HTML):

    $error = "some warning";
    echo $error."\r\n";
    echo $error."\r\n";

    Which will put in line breaks into normal text.

    You can mix and match these together to suit your needs. The other thing you can do is use <pre> and </pre> tags around your error messages so that they display into a browser and/or text file as the error message itself reads:

    $error = "some warning";
    echo "<pre>";
    echo $error;
    echo $error;
    echo "</pre>";

    Edit: If you are generating many warnings/errors that you aren't actually displaying on purpose, you can also modify the following:

    html_errors = 1

    in your PHP.ini file which will output things into a nice HTML format.