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ext.js grid inside accordion: how to set the grid header to the accordion's

I am trying to create a grid within an accordion panel. Thing is, grid already has a header, so I get 2 headers, one beneath the other. My intention is to add sort buttons and filter search box to the header. I just don't really know which one should I hide, and how..

And.. I am a Newb to js and ext.js.. Using ext.js 4.2.2:


Ext.define( 'AcWeb.view.ContactListView',
    extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
    xtype: 'contact-list-view',
    requires: [
    collapsible: true,
    iconCls: 'icon-grid',
    frame: false,
    resizable: false,

    initComponent: function()
    { = new;
        this.columns = [
            text     : 'Contact List',
            width    : '100%',
            sortable : true,
            flex     : 1,
            dataIndex: 'userName'



container accordion - westview.js:

Ext.define('AcWeb.view.WestView', {
    extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
    requires: [


    xtype: 'west-view',
    layout: 'accordion',
    title: '',
    defaults: {
        bodyPadding: 10

    initComponent: function() {
        Ext.apply(this, {
            items: [
                // preventHeader: true,
                // html: 'david'
                //hidden: true ,
                // title: 'Accordion Item 3',
                xtype: 'contact-list-view'
            }, {
                title: 'Accordion Item 3',
                html: 'moshe'
            }, {
                title: 'Accordion Item 4',
                html: 'david'
            }, {
                title: 'Accordion Item 5',
                html: 'davidmoshe'



  • That was simple...

    To hide the headers simply add:

    hideHeaders: true

    Works like a charm :)