I would like to restore all objects inside an Amazon S3 bucket, which is now frozen in Glacier. These are my Folders inside the bucket:
$ aws s3 ls s3://cogrehab
PRE baseline/
PRE codes/
PRE logs/
PRE tp1/
PRE tp2/
2014-05-17 20:14:00 27 about.txt
So according to another question here How to restore folders (or entire buckets) to Amazon S3 from Glacier? I proceed as follows:
aws s3 ls s3://cogrehab | awk '{print substr($0, index($0, $4))}' | xargs -I %%% -L 1 aws s3api restore-object --restore-request Days=90 --bucket cogrehab --key "%%%"`
But I get this error:
Unknown options: baseline/, PRE
xargs: aws: exited with status 255; aborting
I found a blog post on a ruby script that automates the process. here:
In any case you should be aware of penalty fees for s3 retrieval from glacier which could be really high!