Looked around for this solution for much too long now, and I'm not sure if I missed it or just misstyped something, but my Gradle script will not compile. I am migrating to Gradle, and am very new with it. I am very used to using Maven for dependency management, but Gradle seems best me for now. From running this snippet of code:
dependencies {
compile group: 'org.bukkit', name: 'bukkit', version: '1.7.9-R0.1-SNAPSHOT'
compile('io.ibj:MattLib:1.1-SNAPSHOT') {
exclude group: 'de.bananaco'
exclude 'net.milkbowl:vault:1.2.27'
compile group: 'net.citizensnpcs', name: 'citizens', version: '2.0.12'
compile group: 'com.sk89q', name: 'worldedit', version: '5.6.1'
compile group: 'com.sk89q', name: 'worldguard', version: '5.9'
compile group: 'net.milkbowl', name: 'vault', version: '1.2.12'
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', includes: ['*.jar'])
NOTE: I do have the java, maven, nexus, shadow, and rebel plugins applied.
When I run my Gradle task, I encounter this error:
Could not find method compile() for arguments [[io.ibj:MattLib:1.1-SNAPSHOT], build_1b5iofu9r9krp7o8mme0dqo9l$_run_closure2_closure8@66fb45e5] on root project 'project'
If I remove the MattLib
dependency from my project and reinsert it as
compile 'io.ibj:MattLib:1.1-SNAPSHOT'
The script completes, but I have dependency issues. I read up here:
dependencies {
compile("org.gradle.test.excludes:api:1.0") {
exclude module: 'shared'
(From Chapter 50 From the Gradle Manual)
that what I have SHOULD work, but I am confused why it doesn't.
gradle --version
Groovy: 1.8.6
Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.3 compiled on December 23 2013
Ivy: 2.2.0
JVM: 1.8.0_05 (Oracle Corporation 25.5-b02)
OS: Windows 7 6.1 amd64
It should be exclude module: 'net.milkbowl:vault:1.2.27'
(add module:
) as explained in documentation for DependencyHandler
linked from here because ModuleDependency.exclude(java.util.Map)
method is used.