Search code examples

How to get all order details including payment custmer and shipping details from order id Magento

I need to get all order details which includes all payment details, customer details, and shipping details or say all details of a order. For this I have use a event in my config file


and the function in my observer file is

public function getorderrealid($observer) {


the function triggers properly, but it returns the following array

    [event] => Varien_Event Object
            [_observers:protected] => Varien_Event_Observer_Collection Object
                    [_observers:protected] => Array


            [_data:protected] => Array
                    [order_ids] => Array
                            [0] => 66

                    [name] => checkout_onepage_controller_success_action

            [_hasDataChanges:protected] => 
            [_origData:protected] => 
            [_idFieldName:protected] => 
            [_isDeleted:protected] => 
            [_oldFieldsMap:protected] => Array

            [_syncFieldsMap:protected] => Array


    [order_ids] => Array
            [0] => 66


It gives only order id.

Please suggest how I can get all details of an order.


  • $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load($orderid);
    $orderData = $order->getData();


    $billingAddress = $order->getBillingAddress();
    $shippingAddress = $order->getShippingAddress();

    For credit card information

    CC Last 4 number: $order->getPayment()->getCcLast4()


    when you print $orderData you can get following information like

        [entity_id] => 45
        [state] => processing
        [status] => pending
        [coupon_code] => stickytest
        [protect_code] => 1036b0
        [shipping_description] => Voucher code discount
        [is_virtual] => 0
        [store_id] => 1
        [customer_id] =>
        [base_discount_amount] => -195.0000
        [base_discount_canceled] =>
        [base_discount_invoiced] =>
        [base_discount_refunded] =>
        [base_grand_total] => 0.0000
        [base_shipping_amount] => 0.0000
        [base_shipping_canceled] =>
        [base_shipping_invoiced] =>
        [base_shipping_refunded] =>
        [base_shipping_tax_amount] => 0.0000
        [base_shipping_tax_refunded] =>
        [base_subtotal] => 177.2700
        [base_subtotal_canceled] =>
        [base_subtotal_invoiced] =>
        [base_subtotal_refunded] =>
        [base_tax_amount] => 0.0000
        [base_tax_canceled] =>
        [base_tax_invoiced] =>
        [base_tax_refunded] =>
        [base_to_global_rate] => 1.0000
        [base_to_order_rate] => 1.0000
        [base_total_canceled] =>
        [base_total_invoiced] =>
        [base_total_invoiced_cost] =>
        [base_total_offline_refunded] =>
        [base_total_online_refunded] =>
        [base_total_paid] =>
        [base_total_qty_ordered] =>
        [base_total_refunded] =>
        [discount_amount] => -195.0000
        [discount_canceled] =>
        [discount_invoiced] =>
        [discount_refunded] =>
        [grand_total] => 0.0000
        [shipping_amount] => 0.0000
        [shipping_canceled] =>
        [shipping_invoiced] =>
        [shipping_refunded] =>
        [shipping_tax_amount] => 0.0000
        [shipping_tax_refunded] =>
        [store_to_base_rate] => 1.0000
        [store_to_order_rate] => 1.0000
        [subtotal] => 177.2700
        [subtotal_canceled] =>
        [subtotal_invoiced] =>
        [subtotal_refunded] =>
        [tax_amount] => 0.0000
        [tax_canceled] =>
        [tax_invoiced] =>
        [tax_refunded] =>
        [total_canceled] =>
        [total_invoiced] =>
        [total_offline_refunded] =>
        [total_online_refunded] =>
        [total_paid] =>
        [total_qty_ordered] => 1.0000
        [total_refunded] =>
        [can_ship_partially] =>
        [can_ship_partially_item] =>
        [customer_is_guest] => 1
        [customer_note_notify] => 1
        [billing_address_id] => 89
        [customer_group_id] => 0
        [edit_increment] =>
        [email_sent] => 1
        [forced_shipment_with_invoice] =>
        [gift_message_id] =>
        [payment_auth_expiration] =>
        [paypal_ipn_customer_notified] =>
        [quote_address_id] =>
        [quote_id] => 215
        [shipping_address_id] => 90
        [adjustment_negative] =>
        [adjustment_positive] =>
        [base_adjustment_negative] =>
        [base_adjustment_positive] =>
        [base_shipping_discount_amount] => 0.0000
        [base_subtotal_incl_tax] => 195.0000
        [base_total_due] =>
        [payment_authorization_amount] =>
        [shipping_discount_amount] => 0.0000
        [subtotal_incl_tax] => 195.0000
        [total_due] =>
        [weight] => 1.0000
        [customer_dob] =>
        [increment_id] => 100000034
        [applied_rule_ids] => 4
        [base_currency_code] => AUD
        [customer_email] => [email protected]
        [customer_firstname] => billing[firstname]
        [customer_lastname] => billing[lastname]
        [customer_middlename] =>
        [customer_prefix] =>
        [customer_suffix] =>
        [customer_taxvat] =>
        [discount_description] => stickytest
        [ext_customer_id] =>
        [ext_order_id] =>
        [global_currency_code] => AUD
        [hold_before_state] =>
        [hold_before_status] =>
        [order_currency_code] => AUD
        [original_increment_id] =>
        [relation_child_id] =>
        [relation_child_real_id] =>
        [relation_parent_id] =>
        [relation_parent_real_id] =>
        [remote_ip] =>
        [shipping_method] => matrixrate_matrixrate_free
        [store_currency_code] => AUD
        [store_name] => Main Website
    Main Store
        [x_forwarded_for] =>
        [customer_note] =>
        [created_at] => 2012-11-19 10:53:11
        [updated_at] => 2012-11-19 10:53:12
        [total_item_count] => 1
        [customer_gender] =>
        [base_custbalance_amount] =>
        [currency_base_id] =>
        [currency_code] =>
        [currency_rate] =>
        [custbalance_amount] =>
        [is_hold] =>
        [is_multi_payment] =>
        [real_order_id] =>
        [tax_percent] =>
        [tracking_numbers] =>
        [hidden_tax_amount] => 17.7300
        [base_hidden_tax_amount] => 17.7300
        [shipping_hidden_tax_amount] => 0.0000
        [base_shipping_hidden_tax_amnt] => 0.0000
        [hidden_tax_invoiced] =>
        [base_hidden_tax_invoiced] =>
        [hidden_tax_refunded] =>
        [base_hidden_tax_refunded] =>
        [shipping_incl_tax] => 0.0000
        [base_shipping_incl_tax] => 0.0000
        [onestepcheckout_customercomment] => onestepcheckout_comments
        [onestepcheckout_customerfeedback] => Google
        [payment_authorization_expiration] =>
        [forced_do_shipment_with_invoice] =>
        [base_shipping_hidden_tax_amount] => 0.0000

    Let me know if you have any query