I wanna refer a static string in a java class AppConstant in a GSP file. What should I do? The AppConstant is like this
public class AppConstant {
public static final String ROLE_ADMIN = "ROLE_ADMIN";
Assume that the java class is in the com.foo.app package. Thanks!
It isn't very common to do this sort of thing but to answer the question as asked, you can do something like this...
Define the constants in a Java or Groovy classs...
// src/groovy/com/demo/AppConstant.groovy
package com.demo
class AppConstant {
static final SOME_CONSTANT = 'Neil Peart'
Then you can refer to them directly from a GSP...
<meta name="layout" content="main"/>
<title>Constant Demo</title>
I hope that helps.