Is there a way to set up cache listneners such that the listners run on the same node where the cache entry has been inserted.
I want to run some processing on the grid for every cache entry that is put
into the data cache. For performance, I want to run this processing on the same node where the entry exists. Whats the best way to achieve this?
If you subscribe a cache event listener in GridGain, then it will be executed exactly on the node where the event happened. Take a look at CacheEventsExample on Github or in GridGain distro.
Here is code taken from CacheEventsExaple which subscribes optional local and remote listener for specific cache events:
GridFuture<UUID> fut = g.forCache(CACHE_NAME).events().remoteListen(locLsnr, rmtLsnr,
// Wait until event listeners are subscribed on all nodes.
Note that for event notifications to work, they must be enabled in configuration, either from code or in XML configuration file. Here is XML snippet:
<property name="includeEventTypes">
<util:constant static-field=""/>
To ignore events on backup nodes, you can have this logic in your remote listener
GridNode node = cache.affinity.mapPartitionToNode(event.partition());
// If we are on primary node.
if (node.isLocal())
// Process event.
I also recommend watching Distributed Events screencast on GridGain website.