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How to check if DirectedSparsedGraph contains an Edge between Nodes having those 2 nodes?

I am trying to implement creation of kNN graph using jung library. I have came to a moment where I need to check if a link between 2 Nodes already exists in the graph.

My code so far:

for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
  for (Iterator<Node> it1 = mGraph.getVertices().iterator(); it1.hasNext();) {
    Node n1 = (Node);
    double minDistance = 9999999;
    Node toConnect = null;

    for (Iterator<Node> it2 = mGraph.getVertices().iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
      Node n2 = (Node);
      double currDistance = this.getDistance(n1, n2);
      if( currDistance < minDistance &&  
          mGraph.containsEdge( /* WHAT HERE */ ) ){
        minDistance = currDistance;
        toConnect = n2; 
    mGraph.addEdge(new Link(), n1, toConnect, EdgeType.DIRECTED);   

I do not know how to do this since there is only one constructor for Link without any parameters.


  • isNeighbor() works for undirected graphs or if you don't care how the two nodes are connected (that is, which way the existing edge, if any, goes) . For a directed Graph you probably want isPredecessor().