We have two tables - Tasks and TasksUsers (users assigned to task). Task has EntityCollection called TaskUsers.
This query returns number of tasks per username:
model.TaskCountByAssignee =
from t in TaskRepository.List()
from tu in t.TaskUsers
group tu by tu into tug
select new {Count = tug.Count(), UserName = tug.Key.Username}).ToList()
This query returns:
Administrator 11
LukLed 5
I want it to return:
Administrator 11
LukLed 5
null 10
Some of tasks don't have any assignment, but I still want them in my result set. Normally, in SQL, it is achieved by changing join
to left join
. In Linq, outside EF, I could use DefaultIfEmpty(). How can it be done in linq to entities?
My first try would be:
model.TaskCountByAssignee = (
(from t in TaskRepository.List()
from tu in t.TaskUsers
group tu by tu.UserName into tug
select new {Count = tug.Count(), UserName = tug.Key})
.Union(from t in TaskRepository.List()
where !t.TaskUsers.Any()
group t by 1 into tug
select new {Count = tug.Count(), UserName = null}).ToList();
Or something along those lines. Or just use two queries. I don't know if this is the best way, though. As I noted in comments, this is far easier in EF 4.