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Evaluate a string in an XQuery function while maintaining context

In marklogic, how can I evaluate a string (using xdmp:value(), xdmp:eval(), or ??) in a function and maintain still maintain context? (I'm able to do this in eXist with util:eval-inline().)

Here's an example of what I'm talking about.


let $predicate := "val='1234'"
let $xml :=

return $xml/test[xdmp:value($predicate)]

Output (which is what I wanted/expected):


The issue I'm having is when I try to put xdmp:value() in a function:


declare function local:value($string as xs:string) as item()* {

let $predicate := "val='1234'"
let $xml :=

return $xml/test[local:value($predicate)]

This returns the following error:

[1.0-ml] XDMP-MISSINGCONTEXT: (err:XPDY0002) val -- Missing context item

I'm able to do this in eXist (below); is it possible to do this in marklogic? I'm also trying to keep the local function signatures the same.

XQuery (works in eXist)

declare function local:value($string as xs:string) as item()* {

let $predicate := "val='1234'"
let $xml :=


Output (which is what I wanted/expected):



  • I think you'd have to pass the context node to your function.

    declare function local:value($context as node(), $string as xs:string)
    as item()*
    let $predicate := "val='1234'"
    let $xml :=
    return $xml/test[local:value(., $predicate)]

    Or just:

    let $predicate := "val='1234'"
    let $xml :=
    return $xml/test[xdmp:value($predicate)]

    Both of those work for me with 7.0-2.3
