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PhoneStateListener and LocationManager inside a Timer, how to? (Android)

I am developing an app that the main objective is collect data from the sensors in the background and send it to a DataBase. To do so, I am using a Remote Service for taking the data from the background.

Inside the Service, I have a periodic TimerTask in a Timer, that does:

  1. Check sensors setting
  2. Activate sensors which data is wanted
  3. Take the data
  4. Stop sensors

I decide to start and stop the sensors every time because it is done every 30 sec, and it's better than have them set. Moreover, I have the same problem if I set them before and add a new one that wasn't set, and setting all them is not efficient as the GPS drains a lot the battery.

The problem is that PhoneStateListener and LocationManager don't work inside a non looper thread (Timer is a non looper thread).

Is there any way to solve this problem? Is there any trick to skip it?


  • Finally, what I did was using a Runnable inside a Service, and using a ScheduledThreadPoolExecution, as the following way:

    ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor execUpdateData = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1);
    scheduledUpdateData = execUpdateData.scheduleAtFixedRate(new updateDataTask(), 0, sampling_storage_ms, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);