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Indentation inside brackets and not beside closing bracket in emacs

I'm finally making the big jump, leaving Vim for Emacs, and I can say I'm pretty delighted already (not in term of speed for now... but that will catch up).

However, there is this thing I'm trying to figure out...

When I code a for loop in C, for example, and add an opening braces, this is what I get


Then I expand braces by pressing C-j and this is where I end.


The issue is, I'm used to end there (this is how my vim was configured)


But I can't figure out how to do this... I'm just starting with emacs and lisp and seem overwhelmed already by that tiny thing. I've already mapped a chord so when I press kk I insert an empty line above the current line and indent it properly. So for now, what I do is RET kk but i'd like my return key to do that by itself.


  • You can configure where newlines are inserted with c-hanging-braces-alist

    Hanging Braces
    To specify which kinds of braces you want auto-newlines put around, you set the style variable c-hanging-braces-alist.

    E.g., to keep the brace on the same line as for and insert a newline after it

     '(c-hanging-braces-alist (quote ((substatement-open . (after))))))

    Another approach could be to use Yasnippet and define an appropriate template

    # -*- mode: snippet -*-
    # name: for
    # --
    for ($1; $2; $3) {

    Now you can enter for and tab and Yasnippet will automatically insert

    for (; ; ) {

    and wait for you to insert the fields leaving the cursor between the braces when finished.