I am trying to write a c program for sipral matrix in 2D array. which output should be as follows.I have done coding of matrix output but cannot do the output of Spiral Matrix. I can no find out the fault in my program. Please help
The Given Matrix:
3 6 3 8
4 7 1 9
3 8 2 7
5 2 9 8
Output of Helically Traverse:
3 6 3 8 9 7 8 9 2 5 3 4 7 1 2 8
int main()
int row = 0, //top most row
b =row-1, // bottom row
col= 0, // left most column
r = col-1, // right column
size = 0,
int dir;
printf("\n Size of Matrix: "); // enter the size of Matrix//
scanf("%d", &size);
printf("\n Enter Matrix Elements: \n"); // Enter Matrix Element//
for(row=0;row<size;row++) // looping for enter row//
for(col=0;col<size;col++) // looping for enter column//
printf(" Element [%d][%d] :", row,col); // print output of element. say Element[1][0]= //
scanf("%d" , &matrix[row][col]); // input matrix element //
printf("\n the given Matrix is :\n"); // print output of given Matrix //
for(row=0;row<size;row++) // looping for row//
for(col=0;col<size;col++) // looping for column//
printf("%4d",matrix[row][col]); //output of matrix//
printf("output of helical traverse matrix is: \n");
while(col<=r && row<=b) //condition exist if left column<= right column && Topmost row<= bottom row.I set four direction. dir =0 for left to right , dir=1 for top to bottom, dir 2 for right to left, dir 4 for bottom to top.//
printf("%4d",matrix[row][i]); //print out 3 6 3 8//
row++; //increase top row .so now 2 nd row become the top most row//
else if(dir==1){
for(i=row;i<=b;i++){ // looping for print output 9 7 8
r--; //decrease left column. so now 2nd column from the right becomes the right most column//
else if(dir==2)
for(i=r;i>=col;i--){ //looping for print output of 9 2 5//
b--; //decerase bottom row. so now 2 nd row from bottom becomes the bottom row.//
else if(dir==3)
for(i=b;i>=row;i--){ //looping for print out 3 4//
col++; //icrease left column. so now 2nd column from left becomes left most column//
return 0;
Re-setting of the variable is necessary.,
while(col<=r && row<=b)