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Error when accessing #include <FF.au3>

I have added the following header file to my code:

#include <FF.au3>

When I try to access this library I get this error:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\autoit3.exe" /ErrorStdOut "D:\My_Files\Automation scripts\My tests\AutomaticWebpageLogin -1.au3"    
D:\My_Files\Automation scripts\My tests\AutomaticWebpageLogin -1.au3 (1) : ==> Error opening the file.: 
#include <FF.au3> 
Exit code: 1    Time: 0.411`

What does that mean?


    1. First you need to download FF.au3 and put it in the same dir as your script or the autoit include files dir.

    2. Then you need to download and install MozRepl

    3. Don't forget to start MozRepl. FF-menu: Extras/Menu or check there "Activate on startup".