I'm almost done with a Laravel project I'm working on and am wanting to try it out on an actual server.
However after I loaded the entire project (slower than using composer but I was hoping to keep this as simple as possible the first time I tried this) I can't even log in as I'm getting a "syntax error, unexpected '['" error message with the debug window pointing to this code:
Route::get('login', [
'as' => 'login',
'uses' => 'SessionsController@create'
I tried changing it to
Route::get('login', array(
'as' => 'login',
'uses' => 'SessionsController@create'
but after I changed it and uploaded the file again it still looked like the original code. To make things more confusing the code should work either way, unless I am missing something.
If anyone can point out 1.)the reason for the error message - the project runs fine on my local server and 2.)why the file does not seem to be updating when I send in a new version it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Your actual server is running PHP 5.3
Your local server is running PHP >=5.4
The short array syntax [] was added in PHP 5.4. See change log here.