I am running into an issue trying to use the Desired State Configuration (DSC). I am using the script resource and when I run the Start-DscConfiguration -Wait -Verbose -Path .\blah
it skips the step no matter what. I have set the TestScript to False and it still skips the step. Would anyone know why it's skipping the steps? Here is what I am doing:
configuration disk
node $env:computername
Script disk
SetScript = {
ADD-Content -Path "c:\disk.txt" "List Disk"
$listDisk = (Diskpart /s c:\disk.txt);
$c = 0;
$dname = "", "_d_data" , "_e_wmapps", "_f_wmlogs", "_s_swapfile";
for($i = 0; $i -le ($listDisk.Count) ; $i++)
if($listDisk[$i] -match "Disk [0-99]")
$dn = $dname[$c];
if ($c -eq 0)
Add-Content -Path "C:\hrd.txt" "Select Volume 0"
Add-Content -Path "C:\hrd.txt" "assign letter=B"
Add-Content -Path "C:\hrd.txt" "Select Disk $c"
Add-Content -Path "C:\hrd.txt" "CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY"
diskpart /s "c:\hrd.txt"
Remove-Item "c:\disk.txt"
Remove-Item "c:\hrd.txt"
GetScript = {return @{Name = "Disk"}}
TestScript =
$obj = Get-WmiObject "Win32_DiskDrive" -Filter "Partitions=0"
if($obj.count -eq 0)
Found my mistake. Where I was calling a Boolean string, it should have been a reserved variable $true or $false
I found my info here: http://powershell.org/wp/2014/03/13/building-desired-state-configuration-custom-resources/
TestScript =
$obj = Get-WmiObject "Win32_DiskDrive" -Filter "Partitions=0"
if($obj.count -eq 0)