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How print values in dart to browser

The below code is to extract parameter from URL using dart I am able to print the values in console but i am not able to get how to display the output in console to browser that is html version. Please help

import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:html';

void main() {
  var q = '?id=abc&id1=cde&id3=asad';

  if(q.contains('?'))  {

   var a = q.replaceFirst("?"," ");

   var c = a.split("&");


  • You can add the output to the body element or you add an element like a <div></div> and insert it inside this element.

    To use a 'div' element you should add an element in you index.html (or whatever name you have for your HTML page) like

      <div id='someDiv'></div>

    in your Dart code you do it like

    import 'dart:core';
    import 'dart:html';
    void main() {
      var q = '?id=abc&id1=cde&id3=asad';
      if(q.contains('?'))  {
       var a = q.replaceFirst("?"," ");
       var c = a.split("&");
       // querySelector('#someDiv').text = '${c}'; // <= you may need some encoding for special characters like <, >, &, ... 
       var div = querySelector('#someDiv');
       c.forEach((e) => div.append(new DivElement()..text = '${e}'));