So, this app I am making for mobile phones with Haxe, and OpenFL.
I have a very long text which I load from a text file, and put it into a very tall TextField
. However I want to convert this into a Bitmap
, due to performance issues.
Again, however, a very tall Bitmap
drawn from a text field just shows blank (maybe too much data?), so I decided to split the bitmap data into "pages" bitmaps, which the user can swipe on screen.
When I add the first "page" to display, it does. But rest of the "pages" just show as a blank image. Here's my code:
images = new Array();
var contentHeight:Float = 560;
field = new TextField();
var fieldFont = Assets.getFont("fonts/Kreon-Regular.ttf");
var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat(fieldFont.fontName, 26 /*currentZoom*/, 0xffffff);// 0x4F4F4F);
format.align = TextFormatAlign.LEFT;
field.defaultTextFormat = format;
var fieldWidth:Float = 410;
field.embedFonts = true;
field.text = fullText;
field.selectable = false;
field.wordWrap = true;
field.border = false;
field.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
field.width = fieldWidth;
//field.x = 0;
//loop through lines, if line within reach, increase clip height, else make new bd
var clipY:Float = 0;
var clipHeight:Float = 0;
var h_:Float = field.getLineMetrics(0).height;
var bd:BitmapData;
var mainBd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(,, true, 0x00000000);
for (i in 0... field.numLines)
try {
h_ = field.getLineMetrics(i).height+0.2;
} catch (e:Dynamic) {}
if (clipHeight < contentHeight + h_)//line can be accomodated
clipHeight += h_;
else { //can't be accomodated, do clipping
bd = new BitmapData(, + 5), true, 0x00000000);
trace("clip: clipY:" + clipY + " height:" + clipHeight);
bd.copyPixels(mainBd, new Rectangle(0, clipY, field.width, clipHeight), new Point(0, clipY));
//bd.draw(field, new Matrix(), new ColorTransform(), BlendMode.NORMAL, new Rectangle(0, clipY, field.width, clipHeight), true);
images.push(new Bitmap(bd, PixelSnapping.AUTO, true));
clipY += clipHeight;
clipHeight = 0;
You only add one of your images (addChild(images[1]);
) to view.
Also, I'd recommend, you to :
NOTE: Bitmaps shouldn't actually be any faster than TextFields, unless you use a VERY fancy font or a lot of filters. In any case, cacheAsBitmap property should do what you want automagically, without writing all this code. But I'm 99% sure thats not the case and you don't need that.