I am creating a radio button list in the back end of the system. Is there any method that let me display items with random order ?
My Code :
<asp:radiobuttonlist id="RadioButtonList1" runat="server"
TextAlign="Right" CellPadding="10" RepeatLayout="Table"
CausesValidation="True" CssClass="radioAnswers" ClientIDMode="Static"></asp:radiobuttonlist>
RadioButtonList1.Items.Add(New ListItem(rsQuestion("a"), "A"))
RadioButtonList1.Items.Add(New ListItem(rsQuestion("b"), "B"))
RadioButtonList1.Items.Add(New ListItem(rsQuestion("c"), "C"))
RadioButtonList1.Items.Add(New ListItem(rsQuestion("d"), "D"))
Using the the random class create a list of number qith a range 1 is the starting and 4 being the table number of radio buttons. create another list with you listitems and then loop through the number list and adding them to the index, as that strating has to be a whole number you have to minus one from numbers list
Random ran = new Random();
var numbers = Enumerable.Range(1, 4).OrderBy(i => ran.Next()).ToList();
List<ListItem> ans= new List<ListItem>();
ans.Add(new ListItem(rsQuestion["a"].ToString(), "A"));
ans.Add(new ListItem(rsQuestion["b"].ToString(), "B"));
ans.Add(new ListItem(rsQuestion["c"].ToString(), "C"));
ans.Add(new ListItem(rsQuestion["d"].ToString(), "D"));
foreach (int num in numbers)
RadioButtonList1.Items.Add(ans[num - 1]);