I am trying to automate the startup of my Selenium Grid.
I have the Hub registered as a service, so that starts when the machine starts, but the literature tells me I can't do the same with the node, because it won't be in a User context, and so I would not be able to get screenshots etc.
I've seen vague hints that you can add something to the registry to start a program, but I'm not really convinced thats what I want.
IT pulls down the servers for upgrades at intervals, and sessions are set to time out after X amount of inactivity, so its a tedious and silly process to open remote desktops to all 6 nodes, in order to log in, then start the process every time.
How do you best manage this? - Configure the machines to auto-login, and place startSeleniumNode.bat in that users start-folder? - Add some kind of commandline entry in the jenkins build script that launches the test, to call each of the 6 nodes in turn to start the selenium node (and how would you do that?)
Take a look at AlwaysUp - it allows you to run almost any application as a Windows service including Selenium Grid hubs and nodes.
I've previously created a fairly large Grid infrastructure using AlwaysUp for node management. It's very useful for starting up Grid on boot and lets you specify a user account to run as, schedule restarts at regular intervals and a lot more.