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backup script requires a pid lock to prevent multiple instances

i have a bash script that runs daily rsync incremental backups.

my problem is i end up with multipul instances running. im new to bash scripts so im not sure if i have an issue in my script? posted below.

but i have read about a pid lockfile?

could anyone show me how i would go about adding this into my script?

PATH=/usr/lib64/qt-     3.3/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin


WeekDay=$(date +%A |tr [A-Z] [a-z])

echo "$WeekDay"

case $WeekDay in

    echo "Starting monday's backup"
    rsync -avz --delete --exclude backup --exclude virtual_machines /home  /home/backup/files/backupdaily/monday --log- file=/usr/local/src/backup/logs/backup_daily.log

    echo "Starting inc backup : $WeekDay"   
    rsync -avz --exclude backup --exclude virtual_machines --link-dest=$LinkDest /home     /home/backup/files/backupdaily/$WeekDay --log- file=/usr/local/src/backup/logs/backup_daily.log

    sunday)    exit 0

so it looks like this?

PATH=/usr/lib64/qt-    3.3/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin

trap "rm -f /tmp/backup_daily_lockfile && exit" SIGINT SIGTERM #Put this on the top to   handle CTRL+C or SIGTERM

test -f /tmp/backup_daily_lockfile && exit #before rsync to ensure that the script will   not run if there is another one running


WeekDay=$(date +%A |tr [A-Z] [a-z])

echo "$WeekDay"
touch /tmp/backup_daily_lockfile #Before the rsync
case $WeekDay in

echo "Starting monday's backup"
rsync -avz --delete --exclude backup --exclude virtual_machines /home /home/backup/files/backupdaily/monday --log-file=/usr/local/src/backup/logs/backup_daily.log

echo "Starting inc backup : $WeekDay"   
rsync -avz --exclude backup --exclude virtual_machines --link-dest=$LinkDest /home /home/backup/files/backupdaily/$WeekDay --log-file=/usr/local/src/backup/logs/backup_daily.log

    sunday)    exit 0

rm -f /tmp/backup_daily_lockfile #After the rsync



  • Add the following to your script:

    trap "rm -f /tmp/lockfile && exit" SIGINT SIGTERM #Put this on the top to handle CTRL+C or SIGTERM
    test -f /tmp/lockfile && exit #Before rsync to ensure that the script will not run if there is another one running
    touch /tmp/lockfile #Before the rsync
    rm -f /tmp/lockfile #After the rsync

    rename the lock file path/name according to your needs, you can also name it with the current PID using $$ variable.