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How do I call Javascript from Clojurescript?

I am currently learning clojure and I am trying to translate some javascript from CodeCombat to clojure/clojurescript.

var base = this;
var items = base.getItems();
if (base.built.length === 0)'peasant');

I am trying to convert the Javascript code to Clojure, but unfortunately CodeCombat doesn't give me any error message.

(def base this)
(def items (.getItems (base) ))
(def built-len ((.length) (.built (base)) ))  
(if (= built-len 0)
    ((.build "peasant") (base) )))

Do you see any obvious mistake? I mostly followed the offical interop tutorial


  • Use this-as macro ! However, using def is not nice inside macro... it's preferred to use let if possible!

    (this-as t
      (let [item (.getItems t)]

    In your code remove parenthesis around base, (it's function call, and you don't want to call it).