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Packery positionering with bootstrap

I've got a two column layout with Packery in the main column.

This is working fine on extra small devices, small devices and large devices. On medium devices the "2-column box" is not on side of the other. It is jumping underneath it.

I've made a codepen of this issue:

I hope somebody can help!


  • Found it, thnx to this threat:

    The solution is to make width of the boxes a bit smaller with calc():

     .grid-sizer {
        width: 25%;
        width: -webkit-calc( 1/4 * 100% );
        width: calc( 1/4 * 100% );
        height: 150px;
    .box2 {
       width: 50%; 
       width: -webkit-calc( 2/4 * 99.5% );
       width: calc( 2/4 * 99.5% );
       float: left;


    the Codepen example: