I have installed Armadillo linear algebra library to do some matrix operations on Linux mint OS. but,my bad is,i can't compile and execute my c++ code using makefile:
all: file_1.o main.o
$(CC) -o EXCUTE_ALL file_1.o main.o
main.o: main.cpp file_1.h
$(CC) -c main.cpp
file_1.o: file_1.h
$(CC) -c file_1.cpp
run :
.PHONY: clean
rm -f *.o
file_1.cpp is:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "armadillo"
#include "file_1.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace arma;
mat myclass::product(mat my_matrix)
mat product=my_matrix * my_matrix;
return product;
file_1.h is:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "armadillo"
using namespace std;
using namespace arma;
class myclass{
mat product(mat matrixAA);
Main.cpp is:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "armadillo"
#include "file_1.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace arma;
int main()
myclass matfile;
mat BB;
mat AA=randu<mat>(500,500);
return 0;
and get the following error:
file_1.o: In function `void arma::blas::gemv<double>(char const*, int const*, int const*, double const*, double const*, int const*, double const*, int const*, double const*, double*, int const*)':
file_1.cpp:(.text._ZN4arma4blas4gemvIdEEvPKcPKiS5_PKT_S8_S5_S8_S5_S8_PS6_S5_[void arma::blas::gemv<double>(char const*, int const*, int const*, double const*, double const*, int const*, double const*, int const*, double const*, double*, int const*)]+0x53): undefined reference to `wrapper_dgemv_'
file_1.o: In function `void arma::blas::gemm<double>(char const*, char const*, int const*, int const*, int const*, double const*, double const*, int const*, double const*, int const*, double const*, double*, int const*)':
file_1.cpp:(.text._ZN4arma4blas4gemmIdEEvPKcS3_PKiS5_S5_PKT_S8_S5_S8_S5_S8_PS6_S5_[void arma::blas::gemm<double>(char const*, char const*, int const*, int const*, int const*, double const*, double const*, int const*, double const*, int const*, double const*, double*, int const*)]+0x61): undefined reference to `wrapper_dgemm_'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [all] Error 1
But, this works with out makefile,using the following command:
`g++ -o obj Main.cpp file_1.cpp -l armadillo`.
can any one help me please,if i miss something in my makefile. thanks..
Your Makefile is not telling the linker to link it with the Armadillo library. A way to solve it, although I'm not sure if it's the "good practices" way is to add -l armadillo to the end of the "all:" line. It probably will be unable to find "EXCUTE_ALL", as I don't see anything creating it and I see it gets erased after cleaning.