I'm migrated from iOS dev to WIndows Phone dev and I have stumbled upon a problem.
I need to implement a side menu, that looks like the one in facebook app in ios. It shpuld slide from left to right. It should contain about 10 buttons (ListView). Presign the button should cause chaning the view (navigate to other xaml file)
Because of the huge difference between Windows Phone controls and iOS controls I want to ask an advice on how to better implement such menu. I've heard about aproach using Panorama. But would it look pretty?
I mean I'll have 10 different XAML files with different content. In each of them I'd have to add Panorama control and add the menu. And when I navigate to other XAML would it look nice? because it would close menu without any animation.
So please tell me what is the better approach in impelementing what I want? And how to navigate properly between all the XAMLs without loosing the animation of the menu. And of course how to avoid duplicating code in all the XAMLs? I guess XAML files could not be inherited. And of course I need it to support both WIndows Phone 8 and 8.1.
Thank you very much for you attension!
Here this a blog that will help you implement side menu like Facebook app. Link Hope this helps.