I want to copy a record with all his relations.
I'm trying with:
$o = Doctrine::getTable('Table')->Find(x);
$copy = $object->copy();
$relations = $o->getRelations();
foreach ($relations as $name => $relation) {
$copy->$relation = $object->$relation->copy();
This code doesn't works, but I think it's on the way.
I never could get the deep copy function to operate correctly.
I manually coded a deep copy function for one of my models like this
public function copyAndSave ()
$filters = array('id', 'created');
$survey = $this->copy();
$survey->Survey_Entries = new Doctrine_Collection("Survey_Model_Entry");
$survey->Assignment_Assignments = new Doctrine_Collection("Assignment_Model_Assignment");
$survey->Survey_Questions = new Doctrine_Collection("Survey_Model_Question");
foreach ($this->Survey_Questions as $question)
$answers = $question->Survey_Answers;
$newQuestion = $question->copy();
$newQuestion->survey_surveys_id = $survey->id;
$newAnswers = new Doctrine_Collection("Survey_Model_Answer");
foreach($answers as $answer)
$answer = $answer->copy();
$answer->survey_questions_id = $newQuestion->id;
$newQuestion->Survey_Answers = $newAnswers;
return $survey->save();