How does one run matchers from a separate class's function in an Around block in specs2?
Example (using Play framework):
class Spec extends Specification {
"the application" should {
"do something" in new WithBrowser { // <-- 1. because of this around block
val runner = new Runner
class Runner extends MustMatchers {
def check(browser: TestBrowser) = {
browser.pageSource must contain("some text that isn't there") // <-- 2. this won't fail
I read in the Around scaladoc that it doesn't work with matchers that don't throw FailureExceptions. Does this mean I have to check all the matchers myself? How else can I have my matchers fail?
By extending MustMatchers
you unfortunately managed to avoid bringing in the all-important MustThrownExpectations
trait, which has the following documentation:
* This trait provides implicit definitions to transform any value into a
* MustExpectable, throwing exceptions when a match fails
If you follow all of the Specs2 traits all the way down from mutable.Specification
, there's a trait MustThrownMatchers
which will fail "the right way" for your use case; i.e.:
class ThrowingRunner extends MustThrownMatchers {
def check(browser: TestBrowser) = {
browser.pageSource must contain("some text that isn't there")