I'm on Windows 7 SP1 64-bit with a fresh install of Plone 4.3.1 using the installer Plone-4.3.1-win64.exe.
Plone and Zope run great. I am also able to install eggs like plone.app.relationfield by appending the package name to buildout.cfg. However when I try to install the developer tools using:
bin\buildout -c develop.cfg
I get the following output:
Unused options for buildout: 'buildout-user' 'need-sudo'.
Updating _mr.developer.
Updating instance.
Updating repozo.
Updating backup.
Updating zopepy.
Updating precompiler.
Compiling Python files.
SyntaxError: ('invalid syntax', ('c:\\plone43\\eggs\\restrictedpython-3.6.0-py2.
6.egg\\RestrictedPython\\tests\\before_and_after27.py', 30, 17, ' x = {y: y f
or y in whatever if y}\n'))
SyntaxError: ('invalid syntax', ('c:\\plone43\\eggs\\restrictedpython-3.6.0-py2.
6.egg\\RestrictedPython\\tests\\security_in_syntax27.py', 6, 13, ' {y: y for
_restricted_name in x}\n'))
Compiling locale files.
Error while compiling c:\plone43\eggs\python_gettext-1.2-py2.6.egg\pythongettext
Error while compiling c:\plone43\eggs\python_gettext-1.2-py2.6.egg\pythongettext
Updating run-instance.
Updating service.
Updating test.
Updating diazotools.
Installing zopeskel.
Getting distribution for 'zopeskel.diazotheme==1.1'.
warning: no previously-included files matching '*' found under directory 'docs\_
error: Setup script exited with error: Setup script exited with error: Setup scr
ipt exited with error: SandboxViolation: open('build\\lib\\paste\\evalexception\
\media\\MochiKit.packed.js', 'wb') {}
The package setup script has attempted to modify files on your system
that are not within the EasyInstall build area, and has been aborted.
This package cannot be safely installed by EasyInstall, and may not
support alternate installation locations even if you run its setup
script by hand. Please inform the package's author and the EasyInstall
maintainers to find out if a fix or workaround is available.
An error occurred when trying to install zopeskel.diazotheme 1.1. Look above thi
s message for any errors that were output by easy_install.
Installing zopeskel.
Getting distribution for 'zopeskel.diazotheme==1.1'.
Error: Couldn't install: zopeskel.diazotheme 1.1
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I am mainly trying to install zopeskel and the zopeskel.dexterity templates which also fail the same way if I comment out zopeskel.diazotheme. In fact, I can get everything to install except zopeskel.diazotheme and zopeskel.dexterity if I comment them out. The above RestrictedPython syntax errors remain but don't seem to affect anything.
This is all out-of-the-box configuration stuff. I've been searching and trying everything I can think of including reinstallation. I've worked with Plone of and on for years but I'm out of ideas on this one.
Any help is appreciated.
I finally solved this issue but I still don't know what the exact problem is. It has something to do with easy_install and directory access - possibly to temp directories and possibly because of some kind of race condition that happens during the buildout process.
The summary of the solution is to install everything in the stock develop.cfg file EXCEPT for zopeskel.diazotheme and zopeskel.dexterity. There is also a bug with the distribution of DocFinderTab buildout tries to download. it's an empty zip file.
This approach was followed on both the Windows 7 64-bit configuration mentioned in the question as well as a Windows XP SP3 32-bit machine. In both cases, the Plone 4.3.1 windows installer was used as per the latest Plone website recommendation of May 20, 2014. There is no windows installer for the latest Plone 4.3.3 so the path is to use the 4.3.1 isntaller and upgrade Plone after installing. I did not upgrade before installing these packages. Both Linux and/or OSX have my permission to eradicate Windows from the planet yet it persists.
Here's the steps:
Find the eggs variable around line 80 and add plone.app.relationfield to the list:
eggs = Plone Pillow Products.PloneHotfix20130618 plone.app.relationfield
Save buildout.cfg
From a command prompt in c:\Plone43
bin\buildout -n
[zopeskel] # installs paster and Zopeskel recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = ZopeSkel Paste PasteDeploy PasteScript # zopeskel.diazotheme # zopeskel.dexterity zest.releaser ${buildout:eggs}
From a command prompt in C:\Plone43, run:
bin\buildout -c develop.cfg
In a command prompt in c:\Plone43, run the following command:
bin\buildout -v setup "C:\Plone43\downloads\dist\zopeskel.dexterity-\setup.py" install
Next run:
bin\buildout -v setup "C:\Plone43\downloads\dist\zopeskel.diazotheme-1.1\setup.py" install
Everything should work now.