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Reading data file with rows of variable sizes

I have a data file containing rows of variable sizes:

16 54 1 -3 5
15 5
1 9 10 5

How can I load it into a cell array data so that

data{1} = [16 54 1 -3 5]; 
data{2} = [15 5]; 
data{3} = [1 9 10 5];



  • Let data.txt contains

    16 54 1 -3 5
    15 5
    1 9 10 5

    You can read it into a cell array data with the following:

    fid = fopen('datatest.txt');
    allData = textscan(fid,'%s','Delimiter','\n');
    data = cellfun(@str2num, allData{1}, 'UniformOutput', false);
    >> data = 
    ans =    
    [1x5 double]
    [1x2 double]
    [1x4 double]
    >> data{1}
    ans =
        16    54     1    -3     5