I have the xml code below with 4 <e>
nodes, and I need to create a XQuery procedure to which I pass 2 parameters (even 3) param1=EP, param2=PRF and determined which nodes <e>
present the nodes in that order EP before PRF. After that reprint the same structure but with the node must have a new attribute called ordered with the value yes or no <e ordered="yes">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<element sign="none;isroot:yes">
<element sign="equal">
<element sign="hyphen">
<element sign="hyphen">
<element sign="hyphen">
<element sign="equal">
<element sign="none">
<element sign="equal;isroot:yes">
<element sign="hyphen">
<element sign="hyphen">
<element sign="hyphen">
<element sign="hyphen">
<element sign="hyphen">
<element sign="hyphen">
<element sign="equal">
<element sign="none">
<element sign="equal;isroot:yes">
<element sign="hyphen">
<element sign="hyphen">
<element sign="hyphen">
<element sign="hyphen">
<element sign="hyphen">
<element sign="equal">
<element sign="none">
<element sign="equal;isroot:yes">
<element sign="hyphen">
<element sign="hyphen">
<element sign="hyphen">
<element sign="hyphen">
<element sign="hyphen">
BaseX supports XQuery Update. It also has a nice (at the moment still implementation-specific, but an issue is currently pending at the W3C for standardization) operator called update
, simplifying transform expressions.
Please note that your XML is currently not well-formed as XML documents always have a single root element. Provided you add this, the following should work:
for $e in doc("your-xml-file.xml")//e
if ($e/element[e_asl = "EP"][following-sibling::element/e_asl = "PRF"])
then $e update insert node (attribute {"ordered"} {"yes"}) into .
else $e
By the way, if you want to modify your original database, you can issue the following command
(or start BaseX using the command line and the -u
and execute the following:
for $e in doc("e.xml")//e[element[e_asl = "EP"][following-sibling::element/e_asl = "PRF"]]
return insert node (attribute {"ordered"} {"yes"}) into $e