I have a Fortran formatted text file (here is 3 first rows):
00033+3251 A B C? 6.96 5.480" 358 9.12 F0V 0.00 2.28s 1.00: 2MASS, dJ=1.3
00033+3251 Aa Ab Aab S1,E 0.62 0.273m 0 9.28 F0V 11.28 K2 1.68* 0.32* SB 1469
00033+3251 Aab Ac A E* 4.26 0.076" 0 9.12 F0V 0.00 2.00s 0.28* 2008MNRAS.383.1506
and the file format description:
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 10 A10 --- WDS WDS(J2000)
12- 14 A3 --- Primary Designation of the primary
16- 18 A3 --- Secondary Designation of the secondary component
20- 22 A3 --- Parent Designation of the parent (1)
24- 29 A6 --- Type Observing technique/status (2)
31- 35 F5.2 d logP ? Logarithm (10) of period in days
37- 44 F8.3 --- Sep Separation or axis
45 A1 --- x_Sep ['"m] Units of sep. (',",m)
47- 49 I3 deg PA Position angle
51- 55 F5.2 mag Vmag1 V-magnitude of the primary
57- 61 A5 --- SP1 Spectral type of the primary
63- 67 F5.2 mag Vmag2 V-magnitude of the secondary
69- 73 A5 --- SP2 Spectral type of the secondary
75- 79 F5.2 solMass Mass1 Mass of the primary
80 A1 --- MCode1 Mass estimation code for primary (3)
82- 86 F5.2 solMass Mass2 Mass of the secondary
87 A1 --- MCode2 Mass estimation code for secondary (3)
89-108 A20 --- Rem Remark
How to read my file in Python. I have found only read_fwf function from the pandas library.
import pandas as pd
filename = 'systems'
columns = ((0,10),(11,14),(15,18),(19,22),(23,29),(30,35),(36,44),(45,45),(46,49),(50,55),(56,61),(62,67),(68,73),(74,79),(80,80),(81,86),(87,87),(88,108))
data = pd.read_fwf(filename, colspecs = columns, header=None)
Is this the only possible and effective way? I hope I can do this without pandas. Have you any suggestions?
columns = ((0,10),(11,14),(15,18),(19,22),(23,29),(30,35),
dataline = [ string[c[0]:c[1]] for c in columns ]
note the column indices are (startbyte-1,endbyte) so that a single character field is eg: (44,45)
this leaves you with a list of strings. You probably want to do conversion to floats, integers, etc. There are a number of questions here on that topic..