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Zend: get locale from countrycode

I have a list of countries (i.e. 'de' => 'Deutschland', 'at' => 'Austria').
What I now need is to get the locale string ('de_DE' or 'de_AT') from the countrycode.

I need this for the validation of the postcode by the selected country. To achieve this, the postcode validator needs a locale string with region ('de_AT' or 'en_US'). 'de' or 'en' does'nt work.

Is there any simple way to do that?


  • An other solution:

    $contry = 'at';
    $locale = Zend_Locale::getLocaleToTerritory($contry);
    $validator = new Zend_Validate_PostCode($locale);

    Zend_Locale::getLocaleToTerritory() retrieve the correct locale by default. (like 'US' give 'en_US')