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Fixed location of info windows

I am making a (very straightforward) map in Google Fusion Tables, with a lot of polygones close to eachother. If one opens the infowindow, it overlaps a large part of the map, which is not convenient. Therefore, I am looking for a way to open the infowindows at a fixed location, for example in the top right corner of the map.

I am new to the code behind the maps and not very familiair to Javascript, but if I understand the documentation right, it is possible to move the info window by calling setPosition() on the info window. It would be nice to get some suggestions for the implementation.


  • I would use a real fixed element instead of an infoWindow, e.g. a custom control

    Suppress the built-in infoWindow via the suppressInfoWindows-option of the layer.

    Then observe the click-event of the layer and assign the infoWindowHtml-property of the event to the innerHTML of the control.
