I'm new on stackoverflow. I've searched on so many sites for a solution to this question but I haven't found anything complete. My question is how can I obtain the percent value of the battery on an iPhone with the accuracy of 1%. I know that it's possible with a jailbroken device, but how? My code is below but it returns a value of 0.
float percent =[[objc_getClass("SBUIController")sharedInstance] displayBatteryCapacityAsPercentage];
batteryLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Battery is at %0.0f", percent];
From libMobileGestalt.dylib
CFPropertyListRef MGCopyAnswer(CFStringRef property)
Works even in AppStore app on my jailbroken phone.
batteryLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Battery is at %@", MGCopyAnswer(CFSTR("BatteryCurrentCapacity"))];