The other aspects of mailboxer work fine, I can send and receive conversations, I can show conversations both in my console and on my views. However my mailbox.inbox and mailbox.sentbox don't seem to render right.
<%= render current_user.mailbox.inbox %>
outputs the following in my browser window (similar output for when i render mailbox.sentbox)
= content_tag_for(:li, conversation) do |conversation| %p = link_to conversation.subject, conversation | - if conversation.is_completely_trashed?(current_user) = link_to 'Untrash', [:untrash, conversation], method: :post - else = link_to 'Move to trash', [:trash, conversation], method: :post
I've tried all sorts of things, removing 'render' gets me the following output:
Any idea how to fix this? Please help, I'm a newbie at rails.
Figured it out...accidentally left a _conversation.html.haml file from it up with a new _conversation.html.erb file inbox renders fine now!