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Matlab :Model fitting and optimization error

I have a defined values of input (time samples) output (concentration), I would like to fit a model in order to estimate the Parameter values of rate constants(here in this case rate constants were defined as K1 K2 K3)

I have used lsqcurvefit for optimization but i am incurring errors in my usage of lsqcurvefit solver

First the values of x variable(t) and y variable(c_tot)

c_tot =[0,0,0,396.979609003375,503.769614648079,285.408414510699,137.309948090421,...
         0.00589400762862266,0.00199918527022414];%Loading Sampled Mat file values for fitting the Estimates of K in it

t=[0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 9 13 18 23 28 33 38 43 48 53];%time samples

now the model which needs to be fitted

%-----------Model to be fitted-------------------------------------
k1_r=0.014;%reference tissue rate constant

a1=17501;a2=28500;a3=65000;%Values of a1 a2 a3 of Arterial input function

b1=0.9;b2=0.2;b3=0.5;%Values of b1 b2 b3 of Arterial Input Function 

td=0.3% Indicates delay time

tmax=0.8% maximum peak time concentration

A = ((K(1)*K(2))/(k1_r*(K(2)+K(3))));
B = ((K(1)*K(3))/(k1_r*(K(2)+K(3))));

model=@(K,t)conv((a1 * exp(-b1 * (t - tmax))+...
               a2 * exp(-b2 * (t - tmax))) +...
               a3 * exp(-b3 * (t - tmax)),...

Now i have used initial estimates of the parameters(k1 k2 k3) which i would like to fit and called the solver

K=[0.1 0.08 0.4];%  Initial estimates of K1 K2 K3

%----------------Least-square curvefitting---------------------------------




Following is the error that i am incurring

    Undefined function 'tomlablic' for input arguments of type 'double'.

Error in tomlabVersion (line 45)

Error in GetSolver (line 72)
[TomV,os,TV] = tomlabVersion;

Error in lsqnonlin (line 415)
   Solver = GetSolver(checkType([],Prob.probType),...

Error in lsqcurvefit (line 298)
[x, f_k, r_k, ExitFlag, Output, Lambda, J_k, Result] =...

I am not experienced enough to know what I could do in order to perform model fitting.

Does any other solver will help me in this or is there any Global optimization tool box with which i can fit in initialized values

Any tips are welcome...


  • You are missing some TOMLAB files (looks very much like a missing license file).

    Please make sure you have a complete installation of TOMLAB (which is sold by a company different from Mathworks) and try again.

    As an alternative to TOMLAB, you can try Matlab's Global Optimization toolbox.