I am just starting out with Python/Scrapy.
I have a written a spider that crawls a website and fetches information. But i am stuck in 2 places.
I am trying to retrieve the telephone numbers from a page and they are coded like this
<span class="mrgn_right5">(+001) 44 42676000,</span>
<span class="mrgn_right5">(+011) 44 42144100</span>
The code i have is:
getdata = soup.find(attrs={"class":"mrgn_right5"})
if getdata:
#print phone
But it is fetching only the first set of numbers and not the second one. How can i fix this?
I am using this code
getdata = soup.find(attrs={"itemprop":"pricerange"})
if getdata:
#print getdata
#print pricerange
But it is not fetching any thing.
Any help on fixing these two would be great.
From a browse of the Beautiful Soup documentation, find
will only return a single result. If multiple results are expected/required, then use find_all
instead. Since there are two results, a list will be returned, so the elements of the list need to be joined together (for example) to add them to Phone
field of your AdItem
getdata = soup.find_all(attrs={"class":"mrgn_right5"})
if getdata:
aditem['Phone'] = ''.join([x.get_text().strip() for x in getdata])
For the second issue, you need to access the attributes of the returned object. Try the following:
getdata = soup.find(attrs={"itemprop":"pricerange"})
if getdata:
aditem['Pricerange'] = getdata.attrs['content']
And for the address information, the following code works but is very hacky and could no doubt be improved by someone who understands Beautiful Soup better than me.
getdata = soup.find(attrs={"itemprop":"address"})
address = getdata.span.get_text()
addressLocality = getdata.meta.attrs['content']
addressRegion = getdata.find(attrs={"itemprop":"addressRegion"}).attrs['content']
postalCode = getdata.find(attrs={"itemprop":"postalCode"}).attrs['content']