Here is my issue.
I am debugging symfony2 application (having some issues with posted data). On this occasion, i checked how many times app.php vs app_dev.php are called when handling a request.
example: request (from browser) : /demo/display/foos
logger in app.php (resp. app_dev.php):
//logger function
function logtxt($logtxt, $name='myLog'){
$fp = fopen($name.'.txt','a+');
$newLog=date('H:i:s', time()).' - '.':'."\r\n".$logtxt."\r\n".'--------------------------------------------';
fclose($fp); //basta
//logger call
logtxt('in app_dev.php ('.$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'].')');
it basically adds a line in a logfile each time logtxt is called.
It appears that, in my applications, app_dev.php is called multiple times for a single request (mostly 2 times or 3 times). I tried with an empty project: app.php or app_dev.php are called only on time at each request.
I was thinking of redirections I would be doing, but this is not always the case. More amazing, there is sometimes a difference between app.php log count and app_dev.php log count for a same request!
I do not understand why the front-controller should be called more than once in a request. Also, it seems that it has some impact in production. For instance, in an old project, $_POST gets reset between these calls and its data seem to get lost (!).
for instance, for 1 same request, I will have in dev and prod envs:
15:45:51 - in app_dev.php:
in app_dev.php ($post: {"sort":"sort","property":"barcode"})
15:45:51 - in foo Controller:
fooControllerAction called ($post: {"sort":"sort","property":"barcode"})
15:45:52 - in app_dev.php:
in app_dev.php ($post: [])
whereas with app.php log:
15:44:07 - in app.php:
in app.php ($post: {"sort":"sort","property":"barcode"})
15:44:07 - in app.php:
in app.php ($post: [])
15:44:07 - in fooController:
fooControllerAction called ($post: [])
Consequence: posted variable are usable by controller in dev environment, but not in prod environment, for the same request:
Is this behaviour known to someone ? I am eager to understand background justifying this, and check that it doesn't lead to errors. Also, if this is due to bad dev practice, I would change mine.
Thanks a lot in advance for sharing your wisdom!
For setting kernel listener see this page:
... specifically this section which covers request listener:
You have here an example on how to detect if request is subrequest
or master
When you have detected HttpKernel::MASTER_REQUEST
as your request type you could apply the same logic you have shown in your question...