I tried to implement a thing similar to the one done in FMX.Advertising.Android
// Forward declaration
JAttentiveListener = interface; //com.pack.AttentiveListener
JAttentiveListenerClass = interface(IJavaClass)
JAttentiveListener = interface(IJavaInstance)
procedure onClicked; cdecl;
procedure onNotReceived(message1: JString); cdecl;
procedure onReceived; cdecl;
TJAttentiveListener = class(TJavaGenericImport<JAttentiveListenerClass, JAttentiveListener>) end;
TMyListener = class(TJavaLocal, JAttentiveListener) // JAttentiveListener is Android interface imported above using JNI
FObj: TCallbackObj;
constructor Create(Obj: TCallbackObj);
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure onClicked; cdecl;
procedure onNotReceived(message1: JString); cdecl;
procedure onReceived; cdecl;
constructor TMyListener.Create(Obj: TCallbackObj);
inherited Create; // exception here.
FObj := Obj;
Constructor is called in UI thread and throws NullPointerException
during the call to a parent's constructor. There are following messages in a log:
I've tried to debug step-by-step, and stepped into TJavaLocal
's c-tor. Exception occurs in the following statement of this c-tor:
FLocalRefObjectID := AJNIEnv^.CallObjectMethodA(AJNIEnv, AJNIObject, CreateProxyClass, PJNIValue(ArgsToJNIValues([ClsID, Self])));
HandleJNIException(AJNIEnv); // NullPointerException is here
Why does the same thing work in FMX.Advertising.Android
and doesn't work in my code? (I'm trying to create a listener implementing an interface and doing everything like in AdsListener
from FMX.Advertising.Android
Pay more attention to the log output. NullPointerException
is preceded by 'dvmFindClassByName rejecting X', and it means that dalvik can't find the class of listener. Maybe it is absent in a classes.dex file, maybe you've specified the wrong signature in [JavaSignature('com/pack/AttentiveListener')]