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Delphi XE6 - How to implement an Android interface and create a listener?

I tried to implement a thing similar to the one done in FMX.Advertising.Android.

  // Forward declaration
  JAttentiveListener = interface;   //com.pack.AttentiveListener
  JAttentiveListenerClass = interface(IJavaClass)

  JAttentiveListener = interface(IJavaInstance)
    procedure onClicked; cdecl;
    procedure onNotReceived(message1: JString); cdecl;
    procedure onReceived; cdecl;
  TJAttentiveListener = class(TJavaGenericImport<JAttentiveListenerClass, JAttentiveListener>) end;

  TMyListener = class(TJavaLocal, JAttentiveListener)     // JAttentiveListener is Android interface imported above using JNI
    FObj: TCallbackObj;
    constructor Create(Obj: TCallbackObj);
    destructor Destroy; override;
    procedure onClicked; cdecl;
    procedure onNotReceived(message1: JString); cdecl;
    procedure onReceived; cdecl;


constructor TMyListener.Create(Obj: TCallbackObj);
  inherited Create;   // exception here.
  FObj := Obj;

Constructor is called in UI thread and throws NullPointerException during the call to a parent's constructor. There are following messages in a log: [dvmFindClassByName rejecting, java.lang.NullPointerException

I've tried to debug step-by-step, and stepped into TJavaLocal's c-tor. Exception occurs in the following statement of this c-tor:

FLocalRefObjectID := AJNIEnv^.CallObjectMethodA(AJNIEnv, AJNIObject, CreateProxyClass, PJNIValue(ArgsToJNIValues([ClsID, Self])));
HandleJNIException(AJNIEnv);    // NullPointerException is here

Why does the same thing work in FMX.Advertising.Android and doesn't work in my code? (I'm trying to create a listener implementing an interface and doing everything like in AdsListener from FMX.Advertising.Android.)


  • Pay more attention to the log output. NullPointerException is preceded by 'dvmFindClassByName rejecting X', and it means that dalvik can't find the class of listener. Maybe it is absent in a classes.dex file, maybe you've specified the wrong signature in [JavaSignature('com/pack/AttentiveListener')].