I have a table with following columns:
SeqNo, Date, Code, Val1, Val2, Val3,.. Val20
I need to get this representation (I assume I should unpivot table part from Val1 to Val20):
SeqNo, Date, Code, Val
where all Val1 ..Val20
columns go to Val
And moreover I need to change Date
column values:
You can do the pivot manually with a cross join
and case
statement. Your version has a twist to it, because of the date column:
with nums as (
select 1 as n union all
select n + 1
from nums
where n < 20
select t.seqno, dateadd(day, 1 - nums.n, t.date), t.code,
(case when nums.n = 1 then val1
when nums.n = 2 then val2
. . .
when nums.n = 20 then val20
end) as val
from table t cross join