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Publish Rstudio Shiny App in intranet

I am trying to build a Rstudio/Shiny App and post it in our intranet so that everyone else in our office could see it. I am a windows guy, and the instructions online about how to setup a shiny server within Linux environment is a bit difficult for me. Is there an easy way that I can could accomplish this goal without messing up with Linux. Even if I have to do so, is there an easy way to just have my webpage available to people within our company, not everyone on the internet. Thanks!


  • you don't need shiny server for this, you just need to run an R instance with shiny

    shiny automatically runs it at local host... you need to change it to your own ip if you want your colleges be able to access it..

    ip="" # change this!
    runApp("../microplate",host=ip) # change microplate to the name of your shiny package/app