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Objective-C Method Parameters Problem

I'm attempting to define an extremely simple utility method that will save me from having to use a calculator to define RGB values as percentages. When I look into Apple's sample code called "QuartzCache", in the DrawView.m file, line 96, I see this:

float whiteColor[4] = {1, 1, 1, 1};

However, when I attempt to created a method like the following, the compiler hates me. A half-hour of intensive Googling has not produced any help.


        float red = rgbArray[0];
        float green = rgbArray[1];
        float blue = rgbArray[2];
        float alpha = rgbArray[3];
        red = red/255;
        green = green/255;
        blue = blue/255;
        alpha = alpha;
        float percentagesRGBArray[4] = {red, green, blue, alpha};

        return  percentagesRGBArray;

What is the proper way to define such a method? What am I doing wrong here?


  • Define a struct that contains all of the components, or wrap up each individual component in an NSNumber. Alternatively, use an NSColor instance to contain your colour components.

    • struct way:

      typedef struct
          float red;
          float green;
          float blue;
          float alpha;
      } MyColor;
      - (MyColor) percentagesRGBArray:(MyColor) incoming
          MyColor result;
 = / 255;
 = / 255;
 = / 255;
          result.alpha = incoming.alpha;
          return result;
    • NSNumber way:

      - (NSArray *) percentagesRGBArray:(float[]) rgbArray
          NSNumber *red = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:rgbArray[0] / 255];
          NSNumber *green = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:rgbArray[1] / 255];
          NSNumber *blue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:rgbArray[2] / 255];
          NSNumber *alpha = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:rgbArray[3]];
          return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:red, green, blue, alpha, nil];
    • NSColor way:

      - (NSColor *) percentagesRGBArray:(float[]) rgbArray
          CGFloat red = rgbArray[0] / 255;
          CGFloat green = rgbArray[1] / 255;
          CGFloat blue = rgbArray[2] / 255;
          CGFloat alpha = rgbArray[3];
          return [NSColor colorWithDeviceRed:red