I'm looking to integrate iCloud with a Core-Data-managed SQLite database (only on iOS 7 and later). I've been reading Apple's guide on using Core Data with iCloud (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/DataManagement/Conceptual/UsingCoreDataWithiCloudPG/UsingCoreDataWithiCloudPG.pdf).
To quote from the guide, "Core Data posts an NSPersistentStoreCoordinatorStoresWillChangeNotification notification. In your notification handler, you reset your managed object context and drop any references to existing managed objects."
Calling -reset on the MOC to reset it isn't the problem, the problem is the part where they say all references to managed objects need to be dropped. I understand why this needs to be done (because the persistent store is changing), what I don't know is how to do it.
All my Core Data work is handled by a singleton and I had originally thought of posting a notification, and listening classes could set all their managed objects to nil. First, this doesn't sound like a particularly good way of doing it. Secondly, I have a FetchedResultsController managing a tableView, the FetchedResultsController manages it's own managed objects, therefore, as far as I know, I can't set them to nil.
I'd be really grateful for any advice on what to do here.
Thanks in advance.
The way I handle situations like this is to post two notifications in my app: just before resetting, and just after resetting.
For example, I might post MYMainContextWillResetNotification
, then reset the context, then post MYMainContextDidResetNotification
Any controller receiving the will-reset notification should release its managed objects, but also store any information it will need to recover after the reset. Usually this will be one or more NSManagedObjectID
objects. In some cases, you may not need to store anything, simply performing a fetch after the reset instead.
A typical method might look like this:
- (void)mainContextWillReset:(NSNotification *)notif
self->noteID = note.objectID;
This code supposes there is a controller for a single note object. When the reset is about to take place, the note's object identifier is stored in an instance variable.
The did-reset notification method retrieves the note.
- (void)mainContextDidReset:(NSNotification *)notif
note = [context existingObjectWithID:noteID error:NULL];
[self refreshViews];
This code uses existingObjectWithID:error:
, but you could equally do a fetch.
With an NSFetchedResultsController
, you would need to call performFetch:
in the did-reset method, to refresh the objects.